Hettie (hettie_lz) wrote,

Обновления от "Санты Джо"

В последние два-три дня пришла куча писем от по итогам работы разных благотворительных проектов, в которых я принимала участие. Вот, рассказываю:)

Первое - письмо по результатам деятельности Секретного Санты в этом рождественском сезоне.

All of the effort and support below helped provide almost 2,000 children a touch of holiday cheer and in return touched many of us with a reminder of true holiday spirit.
100+ volunteers
800+ sponsors
2,000+ articles of clothing
2,500+ coats, hats and gloves
6,000+ toys
$7,000+ in cash, checks, and gift cards
Countless hours of time and effort
***2 Walgreens’ Semi-trucks full of presents***

For the $5 donation we received from a grade school child to the weekend warriors that helped bring Santa’s Workshop alive, we say a heartfelt thank you.
From the school principals and teachers with amazement in their eyes to the children with belief in their hearts and smiles a mile wide on their faces, we say a heartfelt thank you.
From the letter that just asks for a coat or gift for their younger sister but nothing for themselves, we are reminded of perspective.
Watching the room erupt when Santa walks in to the squeals and shrieks as presents are opened, we are reminded of the power of joy and laughter.
Witnessing tears in the eyes of a delivery volunteer to tears in the eyes of a child squeezing a new teddy bear tight, we are reminded of the holiday spirit.
Seeing a parent walking hand in hand with their child on the way home with a Christmas bag taller than the child,  this “mom and pop” program says a heartfelt thank you.

We have uploaded dozens of pictures, a couple personal videos, and a newly minted professional video(complements of Walgreens) onto the secret santa site (link below).

PS. We always welcome feedback and suggestions for how to make the program run even more smoothly.

Many many many thanks,

Santa Joe
Secret Santa, Inc.

И вот тут видео - я надеюсь, что будет больше, но посмотрите пока это (у меня не получается из Шаттерфляй его вставить, только по ссылочке:

Tags: christmas, christmas spirit, благотворительность, волонтерство

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